Tuesday 25 February 2014

Progression of my Magazine Contents Page 2

Here I have added extra sub headings to my contents page. I think for improvements i would like to bolden the fonts to make it more eye catching.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Progression of my Magazine Contents Page 1

This is my Progress on my Contents Page so far:
Here I have started the Contents Page for my magazine and I have put an image in the background and placed my Masthead's on the Contents page and also put in a yellow box for the background. I still have to put the Contents information on the page and insert some more images.

Progression of my Magazine Front Cover 5

Here I have changed the background and font, and also added in more text to the side headlines to make the cover look a bit more crowded and more like a teenagers pop magazine.
I am very happy with it's final outcome and I don't feel like I would like to make any other improvements to this front cover.

Progression of my Magazine Front Cover 4

Here I have taken away my background as I am going to put in a new green background to make the pages lighter. I think I am also going to change the font of my headline so that I am showing a variety of fonts.

Progression of my Magazine Front Cover 3

 My Progression So Far:
Here I have added the price of my magazine and the essential detail on top of the Barcode to help finalise my magazine front page. I don't plan to make any more updates until i've completed the full magazine. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

Progression of my Magazine Front Cover 2

This is my progression so far;

Here I have improved on the masthead and coverlines and also moved the head from behind the masthead to on top. I still have to add a price and other essential info to the page.

Progression of my Magazine Front Cover 1

 This is my progress so far on my magaznie cover:


I still would like to move the head that is currently behind the masthead, in front of it and make the masthead bigger. I would also add drop shadow to the back of the texts on the coverlines and possibly the masthead to add more depth and make it look better.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Colour Palette

Colour Palette:
Here I have created a colour palette to help me put together the colours which I would like to use on my magazine as part of my theme.

On the first row, I have selected different shades of blue as I will be taking into consideration when choosing the colours for my theme as blue is a common colour used in magazines. I have chosen these shades because depending on which one I pick, I think I'd use it for the background colour of images or texts. I really like the last two colours because the bright blue is something I would associate with youth, and the second colour because its light, so it would go really well together with the brighter blue and the lighter blue could be used for a possible glow of an outline on pictures or headings / coverlines.

On the second row, I have chosen different shades of purple because, most teenagers who read music magazines are female, and have been proved in my research, so, I have chosen a quite, girly yet uni-sexual colour which may go really well with the background of texts and images. I really like the first, darker shade of purple and the third shade of purple as I think they would also look really good together. I really like the colour of purple and think I might continue this colour in my theme for my magazine.

In the last row, I have demonstrated a selection of shades of yellow. I have  chosen this colour because its again, a bright colour which I would associate with youth and teenagers. I really like the first shade of yellow, because its very bright and eye catching. I think if I was to use this in my magazine i would use it in my theme so the colour scheme would carry on throughout the magazine and make it look professional and so it would appeal to my target audience.

I think, for my magazine I would like to use the colours purple and yellow for my theme with maybe colours of blue and green in my pictures, to break up the theme slightly to make the pages more colourful and bright. I have decided this because due to my research of teenage magazines, they like the pack the front colour with bright co,ours such as pink, yellow and blue so I think for my magazine I am going to use purple - to appeal to both sex's, but to mainly appeal to females, yellow - to brighten up the magazine and make it look like a teenagers magazine, and colours of blue and green in the pictures to add more colour and to make it look appealing and eye catching.

Font Choices

Font Choices
Adobe Gothic Std B: I like this option because its simple and plain, but i think it may be a bit too plain for a teenagers magazine so i don't think it would be appropriate for my magazine.
Font Choices
Gill Sans Ultra Bold: I really like this style of font. It's funky and different and it would appeal to young teenagers, but i don't think it will look very professional on a magazine. I think it may be a bit too child like.
Font Choices
Algerian: This font choice is different, and does appeal to me as though you'd find it on a magazine, however i don't think you would find it on a Pop magazine, more like a Puck, or Rock 'n' Roll magazine.
Font Choices
Bauhaus 93: I quite like this font, its funky and i think it would look really nice on a music magazine related to Pop. I think i would trial this out on my magazine to see if it would go. I think it will go very nice with the style of magazine and genre of the music.
Font Choices
Blackoak Std: I don't particularly like this font. Although it could possible look decent for a coverline or heading, it's too stretched out and i don't think it will look very nice on a teenagers Pop magazine.
Font Choices
Charlemagne Std: This font style is quite nice, i think it might look ok on the magazine, but i think the style is a bit too thin and the magazine could do with something thicker, too stand out and so it would be easier to read.


 Font Choices
Showcard Gothic: I really like this font, i think it would be perfect for the magazine. I think it matches the genre of magazine perfectly and i think it would really appeal to teenage readers and also make the cover look really funky and fun. I would like to also trial out this font on my magazine as i think it could be the font i will use overall.
Font Choices
Stencil Std: I also really like this font as it's cool and would look really good as part as a coverline. I think this would look really cool maybe on the double page story for the coverline or maybe as a heading for part of the story to the side of the page. Although i think this font is a bit too Rock 'n' Roll for a Pop magazine, however i think it would fit in with the band that the magazine is covering and might fit in very well. I would like to trail this font to see if it goes.



Tuesday 4 February 2014

Photo Choice

These are the images which I have taken and are going to use:
I think I am going to use this image for the front cover, because its got everyone in the image and its got really good light for everyone. The only thing I need to do is lightern up the images slightly because of the middle person's face is shadowed a little.
I really like this image because its amusing to look at and it's really good light once again. The only thing I think I need to do is take away the shadows.


I like these two images because they are relevent to the theme of my magazine and also because I think it looks really good.


I like these three single images of the band members because, alike in my research, the double page shows single images of each band member, relating to their personality. I like these because they are fun and friendly and look really good.
These are the photo's I am not going to use:

I'm not using these images because of the shadowing getting in the way of the light in people's faces and also the positioning of the singers.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Conventions, Producer and Target Audience

The Conventions, Producer and Target Audience:


For the conventions in my magazine, I plan to keep my main image and a masthead because they are the most important features on the front page of any magazine; a main coverline spreading across the front page on a slant so that it will hopefully tie in with my theme and target audience of Pop teenagers; smaller coverlines and bubble to help display and sell other stories on the front page along with the essentials of publish date, price and barcode dotted around the magazine to make the front page look bright and full of multimedia, but not too full where it’s unclear where the main story is. I think I might use a sub-image on the lower left hand side of my magazine to put with my smaller coverlines. However my decision is still undecided. I will decide when I am making my magazine, and I will see what looks better by trailing the magazine with and without sub-images. I plan for my font use to be teen related, either have the font in some sort of graffiti writing, or maybe bubble writing, so then it will hopefully appeal to the target audience. For the contents page, I again plan to use a masthead and main image along with other headings and text boxes holding extra information and also a similar layout of the front page for my double page. I plan for my colour pallet to include bright colours to make it youth like and funky, and I plan to use them colours all the way through my magazine to make the theme consistent. The colours in my colour palette will include colours such as yellow, purple, blue and maybe green. I think this will depend on the images taken, as I will need my ‘band’ to dress appealing towards female audiences and also to make them look young. This may include colours such as blue and grey to make their outfits match each other’s so none of them look out of place. If I was to change any of this, it would be due to trial and error when making my magazine, because if the theme of colours doesn’t look right, then I will change that so it does, and so on with the colours of outfits, and conventions included on the front page.

I think that if my magazine was to be sold, I think my producer would be the Publisher, Bauer Media because they cover huge music magazines and have many magazines aimed at different ages and styles of music.  I would also like Bauer Media to produce my magazine as they don't already have a teenage magazine, so this would widen their variety and this would also mean that there would be no competition for my magazine within the same publisher. I have chosen this publisher because they produce very successful magazines such as 'Q', 'Kurrang' and 'Empire', and if my magazine was to be sold, I would want mine to be just as successful as these music magazines.
The target audience of my text is aimed specifically at younger teenagers, possibly aged from 11-16. The magazine is mostly aimed at females, as most stories will cover the top Boy Bands of the current date, however my magazine will not be sexist, it is aimed at males too. I think the audience could be characterised into social lovers, who would want to read the magazine to find out when certain bands ans singers are in concert and if their gigs are sold out, and want to find out about all the new top bands.

If my magazine was going to be broadcasted to get publicity, I think I would be interested in the magazine being advertised on teenage tv channels so then it is somewhere teenagers will definitely see the advert. For example, if my magazine was advertised on Disney Channel and Disney Channel XD, teenagers with similar tastes in music will hopefully be persuaded to want to buy the magazine. I think it would also be useful having the magazine advertised on music channels which display the same music style so then the advert would be relevant and the target audience would be the same as the music channel.