Friday 31 January 2014

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment:


This is the risk assessment I had to fill in in order to get the images taken for my magazine in the photography studio. I used the backdrop, soft box light on flash and a reflector in most of my images.

This is also the email I sent to Gary to book in the studio for me:

Thursday 30 January 2014

Photoshoot Planning

Media Studies – Foundation Portfolio

Photo shoot planning document

What emotional impact do you want your photography to have upon the reader and how will you achieve this?

I want my images to have a pop genre so that when teenagers read the magazine, they will see all their singers and bands inside. I will achieve this by taking images of a young band and making the pictures look as fun as possible. Maybe having images of the band laughing and just looking genuine.

 What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am going to use a group of the friends for my images of the band because they are all young, and would mainly appeal to the female viewers.
What props will you need?
I am going you to use a guitar in my props for the sub images I a going to have on my double page is then there are close up images of the band in action.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
I am going to emphasis the colour by having the band were youth like clothes, so colours such as blue, red and black. This way they will all look like a young boy band that appeals to young teenagers.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
Yes, I have talked to all of my models and they know what type of clothes they need to wear and what type of pictures I imagine to be taken.

 What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
Depending on time in the studio, I might need a micro phone but that decision is still undecided. The lightning will just need to be light so then the lads look young and light.

 Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
I will need a white and green backdrop so that in the studio where I’m taking the image4s, when I’m ready to photoshop the pictures the lighter colour of green will be easier to differ from the clothes.
Mise-en-scene - Make-up? Costumes? Props?
I won’t be using any makeup on my models, if I have a problem with detail; I will just sort it out on photoshop. I won’t need much more props from the guitar and possibly the microphone

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Main Task Flat Plan and Written Rationale

I have created some flat plans for my magazine planning out what I'd like my layout of the magazine to be.
The is the basic outline of how I plan to layout my magazine. I have decided for this plan to out the masthead in the top right hand side of the page and layered over the main image so that the masthead can be recognised to the readers. I have planned to put the Essentials with the masthead so that its easy to see along with the name of the magazine and also because its typically where the essential information is for other professional magazines. I have planned for the Main Image to be based in the background of the magazine so that the other information can be laid on top so its easy to read. I thought this might also be a good effect for the magazine as the people in the main image will be in the main focus in the blank spaces where there is no extra information on top. For the Coverline, I have positioned it slanty, to make it look youth like, to it will appeal to the younger readers of this Pop magazine. I thought that it would make sense if i placed the sub heading underneath the coverline as again, it is typical for young music magazines. I am also planning on having the smaller coverlines to the left side of the magazine out the way and a Skyline and bubble to show the readers what else is in the magazine.
I am planning on using the colour scheme of yellow throughout the magazine because its a quite young colour and the brightness of it makes it appealing to young teenagers, however the colour scheme is still undecided. 

 For the Contents page I am planning on having the masthead in the same position, side and size as the front page because based on my research its typical as it reminds the reader who the magazine belongs too. I plan to have the name 'Contents' beside the masthead in a smaller font size so that the name of the magazine is still one of the main focus' on this particular page. From my research I found it quite popular to have the main image on the front page, to have a relating image of the same person/people on the first half of the contents page to draw in readers. Underneath the main image for the contents page I plan to have two columns of page number information for the readers followed by sub images to show the readers whats on the other pages.
I definitely plan to continue the colour scheme in the background to make the colour constant and to make the music magazine have style.

In my flat plan for my Double page, I have planned for the main image to again be spread across most of the two pages, leaving a little column on the left side for other information. I want the main image to be behind the headline and text of the story so then it links with the front page of the magazine and because due to my research, most magazines I looked at made the main  image apart of the background. I also plan to have other sub images around the boarders of the main image so that all the images are close together so they have a clear link. I would also like the Headline of these pages to be tilted to the right slightly, just the the coverline of the front page so that the theme of 'Pop' and youth like is carried out. I think it might be important to have the logo in small on the top right hand corner of the magazine as again due to my research, on magazines such as 'Q', they keep the logo in the top right hand corner so that the readers know its a 'Q' magazine, a 'Q' story, so the readers will want to read their story because of their name.
I would again like to carry out the theme of the colour yellow if I decide to go with that colour, possibly on the boarders of the images and in the background column to keep the colours quite bright and exciting to look at.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Audience Research

I have created a PowerPoint based on the answers off a questionnaire I designed for the public to answer about what type of magazines they like to read and how much they pay for them etc...