Tuesday 19 November 2013

Coursework Stage 2 - Planning

 I have completed a plan for my propsal - stage 2.

AS Media Studies Coursework     Name: Leanne Seddon

Proposal Form


Describe your idea for the brief:
The idea for the brief for my magazine is that it will be a music magazine filled with pop charts music – just what the young teens will want to read. I am planning on having the target audience quite low with the teens as 12-16 so that it would fit in with my potential genre of Pop. I am also planning on having bright colours and slightly bigger front than normal magazines throughout as a theme to help relate to my target audience.
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
The genre of my music magazine will be Pop as it will be filled with all the charts music with all the hottest pop starts and latest pop music. The music involved will be all the popular new music from artists such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, One Direction and new music artists such as 5 Seconds of Summer and others. I have chosen this genre because this is what will be very popular with young teens and will help sell my product.
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
The target audience for my music magazine will be aimed more directly at young teens, aged 12-16 as it will have gossip columns about the celebs and music information such as when the next latest video will be released and lyrics etc… I have chosen this target audience as it links within my genre and it will again help sell my magazine as a music magazine. Also, I have chosen more specifically of teenagers because teenagers are more likely to buy magazines and make my magazine more likely to be read/ bought more than other music magazines for older target audiences as they are more into music and influences then other older ages.
Major conventions I will use
The main conventions that I will use will be the most important conventions such as the masthead, cover line, main image and some of the essentials such as the bar code, date and issue number and also price on my front page, and for my context page I will use again a masthead and cover line along with context boxes.
Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use
Other conventions I may use could be things such as a sky line and bubble text box to help my magazine have a professional look and so that page looks complete and not so boring and plain. Although my ideas are still in progress and are not polished I don’t think I will want to use loads of little images to go with my sub headings and cover lines as it will make the page look cluttered and it will also make the audience lose interest in the magazine as the front page will look too busy.
Original images: what/ where/ what
The images I think I will like to use will be images mostly taken by me, by using my friends as the models and replacing their names with popular artist names such as Emilie Sande and other bands such as The Wanted and 5SOS. I am still not 100%sure where I would like my images to be taken but I would like them to be taken so that they look professional. The images could be possible be taken within the collage but in the studios so there is a white background with light and the proper equipment so then I can control the environment.
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
The potential difficulties that I could experience could possibly be when I’m taking picture I will not get the images I was hoping for, or when I’m editing the images to go as my main image, they won’t be the right size.

1 comment:

  1. Leanne, this is a good overview of your plan for your music magazine, you have given due thought to your target audience, genre and ideas for the images you plan to include in your product, as well as highlighting potential difficulties.
