Tuesday 26 November 2013

Institution Research

Institutional Research


Conde Nast
Conde Nast is a global publisher what was founded 1909 and invested in the first British Vogue in 1916.
G (British) Q
Dennis Publishing
Dennis started out as a magazine business in the early 1960’s. In the late 1970’s Dennis publishing was born and started out with Kung Fu Monthly.
Den of Geek
Hearst (William Randolph) in one the leading publishers within the UK with 20 magazines and 20 online assets.
Runner’s World
Bauer Media
Bauer Media Group is a multinational media company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany which operates in 16 countries worldwide. The company was founded in 1875 and started with ACP magazines.

I think for my Magzine, I am going to chose the Publisher, Bauer Media because they cover huge music magazines and have many viewers/ fans of different ages depending on the magazine they like.  I have also chosen this magazine because their different tastes in their other magazines are different to the magazine I hope to produce so there would therefore be no compitition as my audience will be a lot younger than the other readers.

Monday 25 November 2013

Double Page Deconstructions

Double Page Deconstruction
Here I am going to deconstruct three double pages from out of different magazine's which I have chosen to do this practical.
Layout: There are two columns that have been sued to talk about the main story on this double page. they have been placed underneath the Masthead and Sub-heading on the left page, so that when people open the pages, the first side they will see be the left side. also the use of having it underneath the the masthead and sub heading is so that the readers can literally read in order, straight off the headings, it would be the story, with no distraction from any other stories, it literally goes straight in. The layout of the images have been placed in the magazine so that the right side is completely covered of a main image of the band's main singer, followed by smaller box images of the rest of the band members in different situations along the bottom of the page, going across till the end of the left page. The use of having the images so close to the text, but not in the way helps put the story together, so the double page all makes sense with an article and images to support whats in the story.The Masthead and Sub-heading have both been positioned slantey to give the reader a feeling or rock, supporting the story's theme and band theme. There has been a strap line used on the far right side of the right hand side page which is just being used to give out other information, but has been specifically placed to the far side so that it doesn't get in the way of the main story, distracting the reader. The theme of the magazine's double page has been set to a very dark, rock 'n' roll theme of black, red and white. The effect of this sets a calm yet exciting vibe, and relating to the colours of My Chemical Romance as they have the theme set the colours which suit their band. The use of the colour red in the masthead on 'We're being' and 'We can be! sets the immediate rock 'n' roll feeling and the use of the white on 'the best MCR' helps break up the colours so that the white bit stands out from the red, making it be what catchers the readers attention. The use of the colour red on the first letter in the first column, and then the writing continuing in white supporting the theme.

Images: The images used for the magazine are all of the band's members, while on stage or in the music studios. All of the images have been taken to the scale of black and white to again support the theme. All the images seem to be fairly close ups on each singer/ member in different situations to make the reader focus more on their faces and the fact that they are doing music, like singing and in the studio's to support the fact that they aren't bad people like most people make rock bands such as them selves seem to be, and instead that they are very passionate about their singing and that they are all very good friends as well as colleagues. Another use of the close ups on the singers could be to appeal to female fans and just people in general who may admire them. The main image of the main singer helps emphasis that he is the main person in their band, that he is what MCR is all about, and so that the full page of the image of him is to draw in readers, just because he is on the page.

Language: By using the word 'invite' in the sub heading, it makes the reader want to read as their has been an opportunity to find out more about MCR and their life behind stage, and so they will want to take it. By using the pre-modifying adjective 'Best', it emphasis the importance of the band, so that everyone must read their story. The use of the font size in the masthead on 'the best MCR' again helps emphasis the fact that MCR is the best already, and that out of all the bands that may be simile to their band, they are the best. The use of the Bold on 'My Chemical Romance' helps the reader focus more on the name then the sub heading itself so that that would be the main selling point of the double page. The effect of this would be so that when readers are just skim reading over the text, if not already not noticed the images, they would see 'My Chemical Romance' and draw them in into the story. Another use of the Bold effect is to show that their name is big, important, well known, therefore even if people didn't know their music or band all too well, they would want to read this anyway because of their big name.By using a tag on the left hand page 'WORLD EXCLUSIVE', it makes the reader realise that they are a world wide hit story, and that this story is a "must read" because of their fame.


Layout: The layout of the magazine is laid out in three columns where two of them are close together right underneath the masthead on the left hand side of the magazine and the other column is on the right side of the magazine, separated. The main image for this double page has been put more or less in the middle of the magazine, letting them be in the middle of he information gathered around them. The first thing that you would see when you open this magazine would be the main image and the masthead 'Dirty Little SECRETS'. Underneath the masthead, there is a strapline, supporting the masthead by adding extra information, inviting the readers into their story. They have also used a  and a pull quote on the other side of the page to the effect that it would make readers see it, and want to know what the quote is about. Just like he first magazine, the share the same theme of black, red and white to give a rock 'n' roll feeling and also relate to the band the magazine is based on.

Images: The images used in the magazine are mid camera shots of the band members which have been positioned around the main image and for the main image a picture of the full band. All the smaller images have been taken to scale of black and white, whereas the main image has been take in colour to differ from the other images and also so it stands out from he background. The colour red in  'SECRETS' and the hat in the main image and the boarders of the smaller images all link to the theme of rock 'n' roll, which was also seen in the first magazine along with red text to stand out and to catch the readers eye. 

Language: In the masthead the word "SECRETS" has been used to draw the readers in to read the story as it makes them want to know what the story is about and why it has been described as a 'SECRECT'. This effect also used in the firs magazine to draw th readers in as soon as they read just the ,asthead to make the story sound like it was a 'must' read.


Layout:The column layout of this magazine has been set out so that there are two columns on each side of the magazine relating to the story and  another column relating to a different story but still about AeroSmith. The main image of Steve Tyler has been laid out so that its the first thing the will see on the left hand side of the page. Unlike the other two magazines, this double page doesn't have masthead or subheading to give a teaser about what the story is about, the effect of this makes the reader read the full story to then see what its about.
Images: The images used in the magazine have been set out across the magazine. All the smaller images have been scaled in black and white, just like the other two double pages and also the main image has been scaled in colour just like the last magazine. On the smaller images there are captions to anchor the images telling the readers where the images were taken.
Language:  The language used in this magazine next to the main image is a pull-quote from Steve Tyler referring to the band and how they act which involves him being shirtless and messing around with his band members. The relates to the second image that I deconstructed which also had a pull-quote, quoting one of the band members.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Coursework Stage 2 - Planning

 I have completed a plan for my propsal - stage 2.

AS Media Studies Coursework     Name: Leanne Seddon

Proposal Form


Describe your idea for the brief:
The idea for the brief for my magazine is that it will be a music magazine filled with pop charts music – just what the young teens will want to read. I am planning on having the target audience quite low with the teens as 12-16 so that it would fit in with my potential genre of Pop. I am also planning on having bright colours and slightly bigger front than normal magazines throughout as a theme to help relate to my target audience.
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
The genre of my music magazine will be Pop as it will be filled with all the charts music with all the hottest pop starts and latest pop music. The music involved will be all the popular new music from artists such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, One Direction and new music artists such as 5 Seconds of Summer and others. I have chosen this genre because this is what will be very popular with young teens and will help sell my product.
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
The target audience for my music magazine will be aimed more directly at young teens, aged 12-16 as it will have gossip columns about the celebs and music information such as when the next latest video will be released and lyrics etc… I have chosen this target audience as it links within my genre and it will again help sell my magazine as a music magazine. Also, I have chosen more specifically of teenagers because teenagers are more likely to buy magazines and make my magazine more likely to be read/ bought more than other music magazines for older target audiences as they are more into music and influences then other older ages.
Major conventions I will use
The main conventions that I will use will be the most important conventions such as the masthead, cover line, main image and some of the essentials such as the bar code, date and issue number and also price on my front page, and for my context page I will use again a masthead and cover line along with context boxes.
Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use
Other conventions I may use could be things such as a sky line and bubble text box to help my magazine have a professional look and so that page looks complete and not so boring and plain. Although my ideas are still in progress and are not polished I don’t think I will want to use loads of little images to go with my sub headings and cover lines as it will make the page look cluttered and it will also make the audience lose interest in the magazine as the front page will look too busy.
Original images: what/ where/ what
The images I think I will like to use will be images mostly taken by me, by using my friends as the models and replacing their names with popular artist names such as Emilie Sande and other bands such as The Wanted and 5SOS. I am still not 100%sure where I would like my images to be taken but I would like them to be taken so that they look professional. The images could be possible be taken within the collage but in the studios so there is a white background with light and the proper equipment so then I can control the environment.
Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
The potential difficulties that I could experience could possibly be when I’m taking picture I will not get the images I was hoping for, or when I’m editing the images to go as my main image, they won’t be the right size.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Coursework Stage 1- Proposal

Here I have started thinking about my initial ideas for magazine and the style of magazine I would like.

AS Coursework Proposal Table – Stage 1


Type of Magazine (music, etc)
Music Magazine – Pop charts.
Name of Magazine
I haven’t thought of a name yet as it are still early days.
Audience (male/female)
Could be male or female – Teenagers.
Audience (attitudes and interests)
Interested in Pop Charts Music and ‘new’ music.
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)
I would like it so it can be downloaded, as it won’t be able to be sold in normal shops however, I would like it so it can be available on apps for tablets, computers and phones.
Necessary Information
Barcode, issue number, price, date.
Selling Point
It will appeal to young teenagers.
Theme (article)
The theme will be Pop Charts music and new musician music.
Images Front Cover
Images of a ‘model’ of a musician and possible other band images.
Images Inside
Inside the magazine will be images of real bands along with images I have taken of ‘musicians’.