Thursday 1 May 2014

Contents Page

Print Brief

Key Features of a Magazine Cover

Music Magazine Deconstructions

Inspirational Texts

Preliminary Task Flat Plans

Contents Page Deconstructions

Photoshop Skills Development

Preliminary Task - Front Cover and Contents

Analysing Previous Student Work

Coursework Stage 1 - Proposal

Coursework Stage 2 - Proposal

Double Page Deconstructions

Institutional Research

Audience Research

Main Task Flat Plan and Written Rationale

Photoshoot Planning

Risk Assessment

The Conventions, Producer and Target Audience

Photo Choice

Font Choices

Colour Palette

Progression of my Magazine:
> Front Cover 1
> Front Cover 2
> Front Cover 3
> Front Cover 4
> Front Cover 5

> Contents Page 1
> Contents Page 2
> Contents Page 3
> Contents Page 4
> Contents Page 5
> Contents Page 6
> Contents Page 7

> Double Page 1
> Double Page 2
> Double Page 3
> Double Page 4
> Double Page 5

Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 2
Evaluation Question 3
Evaluation Question 4
Evaluation Question 5
Evaluation Question 6
Evaluation Question 7

Final Magazine Pages

Question 4

Who would be the audience for my magazine?
The audience for my magazine would be young teenagers, preferably aged around 11-15. I chose this age for my magazine as I made my magazine about boy bands and their hot new music. I developed my magazine into this theme by adding bright colours into my pages and using simplistic headlines such as ‘NEW single released!’ to keep the reader’s attention. The reason that I am using simple sentences is that I know that at that age young teenagers don’t want to read on forever, they want to see many pictures of their favourite celebrities and bright colours, making the pages look as colourful and fulfilled with information they will actually want to know and read.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Final Magazine Pages

These are the final front cover, contents and double page spread that I have chosen for my magazine;

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Progression of my Magazine Double Page 5

Here in my improvements I have addressed all the improvements I wanted to change in my last update. I have changed the pull quotes font so that it matches the font ion the front page, I have also changed the font of my story to match the same font on the contents page and also added in the page number on the right side of the double page with a light yellow box in the background so you can easily read the page number. I have also changed the first half of my story by changing it so that the first word of the actual story is in big bold text and so that the opening of the story is above, in different font so it's separated from the story. I have also smudged the green background across, behind the logo and added in 'Interview' beside it. I really like the layout now and I don't think I will do any more improvements on this page.

Progression of my Magazine Double Page 4

Im my improvements I have added in another single band member image and also put the border around him so they all stand out. I have also added a shadow around the border to make them stand off the page more. I think for further imporvements I will possibly change the story's font to the same font used on the contents page, and maybe change the font of the pull quote to the same font as the front cover's headline, making the fonts on the magazine link together. I think I will also add in the page number to the magaine so then the audience will see where abouts in my magazine the main story is placed.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Progression of my Magazine Double Page 3

In this update, I have added two of the images I wanted to put into the background to help make it look more busy, but now I think I would like to put a boarder around the images to make them stand out a bit more. I have also added more text and lightended up the start of the story so it's easier to see and so it also links to the theme and colours.

Progression of my Magazine Double Page 2

Im my update, I have changed the colour of the font in the story and added more of the story into the text. I think for further updates I would still like to add more images into the background to fill up the page, but not too much.